Dear Captains
The SGC Committee hope you are well and would like to thank you all for your support. There are a few matters we would like to draw to your attention.
The closing date for you to register your interest, if any, in the inter-county matches is just two weeks away : by Sunday 31 March. So far we have received 658 registrations. The selection committee will meet during the first week of April and the confirmed teams will be sent out during the weekend of April 6th/7th. If you have any questions, or encounter any problems with our registrations, please email John Beer using the email address
This year’s Spring Meeting will take place at Oake Manor Golf Club on Wednesday 17thApril. We have reserved the tee from 10.28 am to 13.00 pm, and there are still a few places left, but you will have to be quick.
The format for the Spring Meeting will be a 4BBB pairs competition; played off full handicap using the yellow tees. This will be a stableford competition with BOTH SCORES TO COUNT ON ALL PAR THREES! The cost for the Spring meeting will be £25 per person (£50 per pair) to include: Coffee and bacon roll on arrival, 18 holes of golf, two course meal including coffee and prizes! Please register on the website so that we can allocate tee times in advance and let you know what time to turn up. The organiser for this event will be Jim Scott, SGC Secretary, who can be contacted by email using or by mobile telephone number 07583 790078. We hope to see as many members as possible. We will need you to confirm whether you have a partner in mind, or whether you are happy to make up a team and play with another Captain on the day. You could also let Jim know if you have a preferred time slot between 10.28 and 13.00 pm Jim will allocate tee times on a “first come – first served” basis; email you to confirm the tee-time. The start sheet will be published on the website. The day is likely to very popular but we will try to leave spaces for Captains who turn up on the day (unless the event is oversubscribed by then). Obviously, the golf club would prefer to have numbers in advance to help with catering.
Somerset Golf Captains embroidered clothing will be available and on sale on the day – so a great opportunity for new Captains to kit themselves out, or for anyone else to replace or add items if they wish to do so.
Don’t forget that the Annual General Meeting will follow the golf and the meal, so we hope as many members as possible will be able to stay on for the AGM. The agenda, minutes and financial information will be published shortly.
Good luck with your golf in 2019. Let’s hope for another glorious summer.
Somerset Golf Captains Committee